Tuesday, July 3, 2007

our album has been delayed

we almost had it in the can. trouble is, sometimes when there's a can laying around. someone shts in it.
holy sht, someone who will remain nameless for karmic reasons, has co-opted our hard-drive from the studio we've been workin at, and inadvertently erased half the files which we've spent six months working on, and its just starting to hit me. we were a couple days work away from finishing the project, and now there's no telling when we'll be finished. i'm pretty sure that however it happened it was an accident, still i feel terrible for Jacob, our engineer, who has had to deal with this mis-hap. i've asked him not to tell me who it was, allthough i have a pretty good guess. i feel the most frustration for this person's apparent lack of remorse for his mistake, and i hear that his unco-operative actions after the fact cost Jacob a friendship. naturally i've only heard one side of the story, still, as i tell my kids as often as possible: "learning to say you are sorry is the best lesson you can hope to learn."
so that's the rub for tuesdaysrobot for a while. if you see me around or are reading this and would like, make sure to ask me for one of the zines i've made recently, as the main upsetness i've felt lately is that i'll not have something of myself CD-wise to share with all of you for at least acouple more months. and dont worry, i ussually cant feel sorry for myself for more than a week or so.