Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Holy Moley! its my birfday!!

So i've just been reading gemini pages for like an hour. i love horoscopes and have read them since jr. high. allthough because of reading them from an early age, i often wonder if i take on the characteristics of my horoscope because i choose to, or because they are intrinsic to the planets? hmm... i think the "truth" in horoscope may lay in thier ability to make us think about stuff we wouldn't otherwise. like horoscopes, here are some useless facts that can be used for the fun of asigning bullsh*t meanings to them:

June 5th in History
1967: The six day war in the Middle East, between Israel and its neighbours, begins
1975: Egyptian President Anwar Sadat re-opens the Suez Canal to all but Israeli shipping - it had been closed for 8 years since the Six Day War of June 1967.
1981(THE DAY I WAS BORN!!) - The Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that five homosexual men in Los Angeles, California have a rare form of pneumonia seen only in patients with weakened immune systems, in what turns out to be the first recognized cases of AIDS.
1968: US Senator Robert Kennedy shot and killed in Los Angeles. (SORRY BOBBY)

June 5th birthdays
1878: Pancho Villa, Mexican revolutionary (THATS RIGHT BABY< YOU KNOW I BE ALL REVOLUTIONARY BY NATURE)
1882: Igor Stravinsky, Russian composer and conductor
1937 - Waylan Jennings, Country singer.
1934 - Bill Moyers, American journalist
1956 - Kenny G, American saxophonist(EEEEEWWWWW, GROSS!)
1971 - Mark Wahlberg, American singer and actor
1981 - Draco Malfoy, Character of the Harry Potter series (HOLY CRAP!!! I'M A SLYTHERIN!!!!!!!!)

2004 - Ronald Reagan, 40th President of the United States (b. 1911)

June 5th is...
World Environment Day, since the United Nations General Assembly resolution in 1972