Saturday, May 5, 2007

So I just decided to get a real blog. heres the junk from my myspace blog:

A History of God or Chasing Japanese Rabbits part deux

so i just got done reading karen armstrong's A HISTORY OF GOD. it took me along time as i'm a slow reader. nonetheless i am inspired to blog.
when it comes to the matter of GOD, isn't it curious how humans throughout the ages have come to specific revalations about god, which may start out to be inherently possitive, and then have afterwords thought, "now that i know what God is, i know what god isn't. "God is this, and not that", effectively leading to- "God has always been this, so it will always be this." never alowing the transformation of this into another "that". Quite ironic as, arguably, every revalation about God has at one time, not existed, whether "divinely inspired", or humanly pondered.
Armstrong's book thouroughly catalouges the pendulum swing of religious thought in society from the Mystic/irrational/follow your heart(e.g. jewish kabbalah, muslim sufism, christian mystysism) ideolgies to the paths of the Philosophic/rational/cultivate your mind(e.g. Maimonides, faylasufs, early calvinists) systems of thought. However, what her book never implicitly states or posts is the question, "why can't our religions cultivate a tolerance and inclusion of both the mystic and the rational, both heart and mind, all at the same time?" eastern thought systems seem to have been exploring this concept far better than us westerners. Allthough, not being a buddhist, i think i'd better think on this within my own cultural context if i'm to be any use to myself or my society.
yes, i will again forcefully blog my intentions to live the logic of DUALISM, rather than the logic of DOMINATION. to have an "either or both" rather than a "this or that" mind and heart. I feel like its a good thing to study as many paths as one can, never clinging solely to one, in order to be a force for peace and understanding. allthough the disclaimer for me is the fact that there is a bit of hypocrasy in this language as this aproach itself is a "path", and so it MUST be stated, and i must remind myself that this path will not nesesarily lead me to more virtue or revalation than the paths of those who stick to thier guns, so to speak. the followers of any path have the capasity to screw things up.
Also, as a picture can be framed in many frames, and a flower potted in many pots, they can also be seen by many eyes. SO then every well intentioned thinker who ever opened thier mouths to speak or put thought to pen must be prepared for the corruption of thier origional intent. I'm pretty sure Nietzsche would not have condoned Nazism, Marx would have denounced the Stalinists, and Jesus, Mohammed, and Moses all would have had issues with... well I mean fucking A right?
Perhaps what we need is some new vocation. Perhaps some sort of "thought medicine man", or preacher/holyman/psychologist, is needed to prescribe systems of thought and faith to those who have stumbeled to far down the path of "i'm right you're wrong." oh wait... maybe we do have those people,they're called teachers. Allthough the same aforementioned caveat must be applyed to teachers as to thinkers.
O.K. this is the point in the blog where that little mischievous elf inside me says "EUREKA! I've discovered truth. Look at me world, read my blog and think like me and all will be well!" so to him again i have to say, "no, no, no, mister Elf, we're just frame-makers here, not truth-knowers." the elf says "oh man, phooey," and kicks a rock. Why is it that thinkers feel the need to impose thier thoughts upon others? probably loneliness, or the need for admiration, i'm not sure really. blog blog blog, blog blog...
well its a nice day so i'm gonna go for a run, then i'm gonna go get hammered with my friend Eric, whom i've not seen in a while. peaceout, its all good, word to your mother

Thursday, January 11, 2007
happy fifth birthday guantanamo!!!!
so as i write this all my friends are down at the courthouse protesting the Guantanamo Bay detention facility. i realy wanted to go but i work in the afternoons and its hard to reschedule... and i hate commie terrorists, j/k. seriously though i decided to donate the money i'm making working/missing it to buy some orange jumpsuits and hoods for the demonstrators. mostly because of the emotional state i was in after seeing the warm up to the protest movie "The Road to Guantanamo", which all us no-good hippie where watching at the Jack Pine CC yesterday... Man i hope someone takes pictures of the protest, i just want to see the peaceful mayhem!!!!... god i feel like such a douchebag betrayer. -but- thing is, I think this kinda feeling is what keeps so many away from activism. The thought that you have to give all of yourself to the cause or nothing at all. this couldnt be further from reality. this is what our country is all about man! one drop combined with one million drops of water make an ocean. one word together with one million words make a novel, ect ect ect...
yet still its hard to donate time or money to causes mostly in the vien of "one more brick in the building." which for me never seems to inspire much action, as each brick only touches three or four others and seems quite insignificant next to millions of other bricks, no big deal. well, here is a more helpful metaphore i like to use for myself: consider the building being built, and now it is finished. Now imagine that just 100 of the million bricks where to be taken away. how much faster will this building crumble, when your brick is gone, and the hundreds of bricks above it are no longer supported. your one brick missing allows outside air to get in messing up the heating and cooling systems! ohhhh! "what about windows" you say, you smart-alec. yes yes windows do let in and out air, but they are THERE to be opened or closed.
what about this- accourding to the laws of physics, at some mathematical point, one drop of water is all it will take to break a dam. when water joins with water, it becomes one body of water. and as the dam breaks. every previous drop of water has had a hand in the event, sharing in this glorious spectacle (remember, just a metaphore. dams breaking in real life? usually not good.) in the end does that one drop of water recieve all the credit? No, it cant even be found or singled out. the idea of this happening is absurd and silly even. lets say you've donated just two dollars, and two hours of your time to agencies fighting to cure cancer. if this is so, when cancer is cured: feel no humility, embarasment, or give yourself any pause to jump up and yell, "HEY EVERYONE, I CURED CANCER!! GO ME." for dont you see, you did!
and what of this- PRETEND for a minite that every member of the human race is a "cell in the body" of humankind. imagine that just .5 of a percent of the billions of cells in your body decided to stop working, or never start, or just vanish. you could not live with all of those absences! allthough it gives me a good idea for a startrek beaming accident script... HOW STRAGE to think of your skin cells at war with your blood cells for praying to different gods. think of your bones, nerves, muscles, and blood buying tabloids and watching the E! channel to find out what those celebrities of the flesh: the eyes, lips and hair, are up to now? why should the palm be jeolous of the fingers? silly silly silly..
well, i'm done brainstorming for now, but just to turn the whole thing on its head, some will say in this spirit of 1+1+1+1+1... and butterfly effect activism: if i only change one mind towards universal good in my lifetime, i know i'll have meant something to the world... allthough this IS true, as the legendary minneapolis based peace activist Marv Davidoff has said. "Just changing one mind in the course of your life? thats not very efficient." (he says it much funnier than that.)

Sunday, December 31, 2006
new years eve
its new years eve and its snowing!!!! yesssss. i've just been outside throwing snowballs at trees. i mustve thrown a hundred balls, and hit only about five trees. fell on my ass while i was at it. man if there was no snow on the ground at new years i was gonna stick my dick in a gas pump down at SA and leave it there. just kidding, i like global warming for minnesota. its just about every other place on the planet that i dont like it for. which makes me think... no i'll leave that to another blog, too long a thought.
another interesting thing today was i was reading my new book, WEST BANK BOOGIE, and while reading the part about Dave Ray i learned of the I CHING. i'm always offended with myself if i havent heard of something that has inspired another artistic type, so i went to the internet and found out what it was, which is like the older text in history or something like that. It's completely baffeling to me two hours later, allthough i think it has to do with divination, which ive heard of since watching the harry potter movies. naturaly i found an I CHING calculator on another site which requires your name, a question, and whether you'd like to toss the virtual yarrow stalks or virtual coins.
I loooooove horoscopey type things so for my reading i chose:
rickrobotwho am iyarrow stalks
they throw six virtual yarrow into what they call a Hexagram, which gives you like six fortune cookie type answers to your question. the one that stuck out to me was that my creativity and strength were leaving me to make way for brightness and warmth. which really made me sad because i do value creativity more than brightness and warmth. i was much comforted though to read about five minutes later that these predictions are meant to be only temporary, inthemoment for the next moment kinda things. i asked the same question a little later and it said that brightness and wrmth were giving way to stillness and obstruction. so thats where i'm at right now. cool.
much funner than a magic 8-ball.

Monday, December 25, 2006
chasing japanese rabbits i just spent six hours at church singing bach and eating papa johns. i like xmas somtimes, makes me practise my TM techniques. we had our family xmas on thursday this year, scheduling conflicts you see. my dad got me west bank boogie, thanks dad!
anyhow after a couple sermons i started spacing and thinking like, man, alot of these sayings and passages and slogans we have in our religions sure can be packaged nice, in pretty boxes and bows. but its dangerous putting truth in a box, albeit(is that a word, i forgit) a nice lookin one. good'ol bobby z once said something like "nah, i never did have anything come up to me and tell me any kinda truth. its more like i've just caught a wink from time to time, a passing thing." i like that image of the "wink", not a passage or slogan. RUMI describes it as "peeking out from underneath the bedcovers for just a moment, laughing ...HELLO!"
you really gotta come at these things a different way every time you hear'em, that is if you'd like to be winked at more than once or twice in your life. try to hear every word in a different way. they cant mean just one thing more than once. and if they somehow do, they've made it back to the same point on the circle, but it keeps turning. its impossible to eat an apple in exacly the same way every time, even if all apples were exactly the same. there are so many good ways to do different good things that can make you feel good. can you eat gold earings? can you wear cheesecake? can you buy food with baseballs? can you play catch with money? some things seem obvious, but we should still debate in good fun with others and ourselves.
also you can ponder sequals and prequals to your box-slogans. i thought of tonight a japanese proverb that effectively stoped my trying to practise christianity, buddhism, and a mish-mash pagan tradition all at the same time, it was: "chase one rabbit, catch one rabbit; chase two rabbits, catch none." what i thought tonight was this: well, after i've caught my rabbit, could i chase another? could i chase a squirel, a zebra, my own tail just for fun? it seems i could, one at a time of course, whatever time is.
what made me think of this was that during PY's seventh sermon i heard the city bus stop on the corner and pick up some elderlys, and i thought: man i'm glad we're not all in church right now, and that theres someone to drive the bus. what would it be like if everyone was trying to figure out "the great I AM" in the same way? scary. it also makes me think like maybe we've been mistranslating the first comandment all these years. thats its not "my gods right and yours is wrong", its instead "I am the great I am, I am all gods, i am every color in the rainbow(as well as infered and xray and all that haha). and that its the gods we make on earth that are the false idols, whether they be gold, kittycats, or most importantly the words of our religious passages. words can be highly deadly when idolized methinks.
ok, so of course then how can you tell the real thing from the idols? well, i dont think you really can. you just have to quiet your mind, open your heart, and hope that you find what it is you're looking for. and if you're lucky, the rabbit will hippidy hop up to you, wiggle its nose, and give you a rabbity wink.

Monday, December 11, 2006
words so silly
i was cutting a bagel the other day and instead i cut myself, oops! but it made me think... words are like the blood from a clenched fist hiding a cut, dripping out uncontrollably, even in the absense of gravity this happens.
see-you know why it is bleeding but you cannot see the wound, open your hand and see the cut. well, no surprises there, still ouch though. as the blood flows faster, you manipulate the flow to minimize the mess, hold it over the sink or something. wash it, dress it, all better. but still ouch man.
during this all of the attention is on the hands, the bleeding, the dripping, the dressing! far less if any attention given to the knife, or the heart that pumps the blood.
far less attention to the intent that made the words, the soul that pumps interpratation................
i remember i learned once that the english language has about 40 percent more words in it that other european languages because of its two parent languages. still though.... i dont think its ever even more than 20 or 30 percent effective in expressing someones true/right meaning. lets cut ourselves and others some slack when it comes to words. we might not take things how they were meant to be taken. even if they knew every language in the word i'm sure a heart and a knife would still have trouble communicating some of the time.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006
i'll see you on the waves
why do you ask for love? and why in the world do you ask apples to swing down and be eaten by you, so silly. take them, eat them, oranges too
why fish with bait that must be imagianed by the fishes? swim swim and chase. besides, hooks are of no use here
why be angry with your television? no, watch every commercial and groove, dance, and bob to the dead music, make the dead glowing box live so that you can leave it at YOUR pleasure.
in fact, why refrain from any glowing evil, hypnotic or otherwise. You know in your depths that the experimentation of it leads mainly to the inevitable boredom of domination. the suppresion of evil leads mainly to larger, more harmful experiments, exponetially even......
warning: but bring love into your evildoing, for love left in good places is the most eaily corrupted. love left inside love becomes the most terrible freedom, the freedom from change, the awful distance from the wonder of growth and the privilage of death...
I LOVE U (so silly and fun when letters love eachother, carved into treebark)
i love the fear of loves destruction. my unborn child shines lights with little mirrors all along the wall in a language inviting decryption. yet all the message can say when expressed this way is "hello, from: just someone, forgetaboutit". the childs keeper, his mother, my own silly heart has learned the idiotic truth that:(in a mocked proffesor's voice) yes, sometimes the purest of love can in fact cause the object of its affection harm, and pain,(damned sweet comfortable irony.) a nail left to rust in a basement toolbox. Thus the noble thing to do must be then not to discard this nail, or destroy this love, but to focus its power elsewhere, channel it into other avenues...
(a voice full of happyrage) "FOCUS LOVE? YOU HYPOCRITIC ME
why do you stand on the top of your waves and say "ah yes, now i see that all waves around me are waves just the same, with the same function and purpose. I have mastered my wave and at the top i will sit... or stand as i know the value and order of choice. yes yes, we are all on water waves all the same, here i am, satisfied, still."
yes mr. smartypants it is true that every wave around you is in fact the same as your conquered wave, you're very smart indeed there on your cushion. HOWEVER, every same wave that is at a different PLACE will crash on the shores of oblivion at a different TIME. and was there ever any joy that was not made of the impermanence of place, and and and the violent thrust of time. time infinate death and creation unlimited.
dance each wave from top to bottom, leap from cap to cap, and when you must meet the sands of nothing, may you step ashore in your own special, playful way. for if you are caught sitting or standing the wave will crash and you will be quite comically thrown headfirst into the beach with your bathrobe at your neck, your legs flailing about from neglect, and your unborn children laughing wildly from all the fun. (isn't it a great hope that all wave sitters and sleepers will not have to die upon thier waves alone, innervoices silenced, this i hope for me and you and you and you...)
once again i love you and i'll see you on the waves, for i'll not see you on the shore, where i pray you step

Friday, October 13, 2006
so i just did something... abnormal. i walked around the lake at midnight. i was driving home after a movie with my friends and i was reminising about my own self about ten years ago, and how i used to walk around the lake and around the neighborhood all the time late at night, espesially around this time of year, when its cold enough to keep the majority of the population at home so i could have the whole nieghborhood to myself for a couple of hours. there was one major difference though this time as i set out for my walk.... i was scared as hell. which i suppose is part of the reason why i went. i was so pissed off at myself for being grown-up and scared that i just had to do it. i started bargaining with my sensible side saying "well, allright but lets leave our wallet and cell phone in the car before we go." which i couldnt do the more i thought about it, the other side saying "dont be a pussy dude." during the walk i spent a little time thinking about what i would do if something bad were to happen. my imagination was really running wild and i really freaked myself out for a while. the moon and newly bear treebranches didnt help. also the sky was about half covered in spotchy clouds where every set of three or four holes looks like a menicing face. it didnt last long though, through the rhythm of my walking and seeping of memories a little bit of the invincibility of ten years ago seemed to find its way back into my blood. and all i can think is, how is it that i'm so terrified of this walk, this is my lake, MY LAKE for goodness sakes. i remembered a time in late november when i was walking around this same body of water and on the south shore the water was completely still and when i got to the north side not twenty minites later the wind was blowing the water so fiercely that it was freezing the waves as they trembled, and the remarkable thing was that these abnormaly formed ice waves had holes in them which, when the wind passed over and through them, made all manner of whistling noises, hundreds of individual, yet similar sounds coming from the lake. back then i thought i might like to be a orchestra composer and the experience was all the more amazing and unexplainable. on a lighter note some years before(from a picture of the thing to be mentioned i was in eigth grade at the time) i had broken some newly formed ice from this lake and one of the sheets looked exactly like a cock'n'balls which i found to be supremely funny, so i lugged it back to my house to show my friends. some of which did or didnt apreciate being humped by a two and a half foot ice-weiner. the last memory i'll mention (for now) is that of a swing rope over the minnehaha creek kinda by the freeway, where the thing to do was to let go on the other side and land on the opposite bank, which most kids did, except for me. it took over an hour to walk to which doesnt mean much to a kid with headphones and his Hum, Blind Melon, and Pumpkins mixtapes, so i went. this was also when the leaves had fallen and since all summer i couldnt work up the balls to do it i made a bet with myself: "dude on the way to that rope we're(i can say we, i'm a gemini) gonna walk on one side of the creek, and on the way back we're using the opposite path, and the only way we can cross the river, is using that swingrope. when i got there i spent around half an hour pshyching myself up to do it. i swung across three or four times but didnt drop. my body was filled with tears of idiocy and on the final time i did let go and made it to the opposite bank. allthough it was more from tired fingers than from couragousness, and it was probably the least gracefull thing i've ever done as i remember landing on my side and hurting my elbow and arm and bonking my ear quite badly. but i did it, and thats what i needed to do then. but why?........(sidenote, that next summer our friend andrew had the misfortion of it breaking on him after he had been assured of its safety by all that had swung on it. he got wet and bruised a bit, but he was fine). so anyways why, why why why... i guess when you realize youre scared of something that has a remedy, you wanna do it. actually i dont feel so old now that i think of it. ive still done some pretty idioticly exceptional things this last year(much more than walking around a lake) motivated by the fear of being a scaredy-cat. allthough the things i can proudly point to do grow less every one, year that is. and the chances missed do seem to grow in number... it might be the romance of hindsight, but it seems to me that i used to spend so much time and energy INVENTING myself. i think it all boils down to how much time we devote to inventing ourselves, and how much time we spend preserving ourselves, the older we get the more to preserve, hmmmm....... to all my friends: it seems that as we get older we not only gain in material wealth and knowledge, but also in the sense of who we are, which may be a good thing, who knows. i just hope i never lose the voice in myself that makes me do idiotic things for the sake of reinvention, on a dare.
ps. if anyone wants to jump of the cedar bridge one more time, i'm game... i think... well actually lets wait for spring when its warmer and i'll most likely have forgotten all of this gusto.

Sunday, October 08, 2006
just got back from my friends wedding. it was quite the cultural experience. the ceramony was conducted by a native american woman, and was quite lovely... druming, smoking vases, blankets, quite nice. lauren's (the bride) family is jewish so we played the Hava Nagila song after and it was a romp. i wish my relatives had a song they sung at weddings and lifted people up on chairs and stuff. oh, worth mentioning as well is shane's(the groom) family is catholic i believe, he had a native ceremony for personal reasons relating to his work. idontknow, its the kinda thing where you know there are probably some folks who werent comfortable with the situation, most likely based on preconceptions of how a wedding is supposed to be according to your own family's traditions. imean, any negativity like that stems from a desire for the good of a loved one, and that must be honored as well as concoured. but I really couldnt feel to much negative energy around though, overall it was great. and i'm always proud to be a human in those instances when love of love trumps love of comfort, and i think for the most part, thats what happend tonight. hurray for shane and lauren!!!!

ps: hurray for matt and anna who just got engaged!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Aids was my bad, sorry
whoa, i just read that on the day i was born, the very first case of AIDS was diagnosed. crazy

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